Instructions for Schwab
To Establish a Datafeed from Schwab to BillFin
Master Account Information: Please be sure you understand the details below, so Schwab sends us your account data correctly. BillFin syncs data for Schwab master accounts and Schwab has both FA and SL master accounts. Client accounts can only exist ...
Schwab Payment File Requirements
Schwab requires the following 2 columns in the order given below submitted as either a .txt or .csv file (BillFin will default to generating a .txt file per Schwab's request). Headers are not needed and the file should have no special characters ...
Getting Schwab Data Files
BillFin only has Schwab data from the date that Schwab processed your Third Party Letters requesting they share your data with BillFin. Since Schwab does not send historical account data, if account data such as valuations and transactions are ...
Schwab Payment File Upload (to get paid)
Login to Schwab Advisor Center Click on the "More" tab (dropdown menu) Click on Management Fees (second option in dropdown menu) You can upload or manually enter fees to your chosen Master Account