How to Change the Payment Account Manually (Selecting a "Debit From" Account)

How to Change the Payment Account Manually (Selecting a "Debit From" Account)

By default, accounts that sync into BillFin from one of our connectors/partners will pay for their own fees. If I had 2 accounts and wanted both fees to be debited from "account 1", I would use the steps below to change payment account number for "account 2" and select "account 1" as the payment account number.

To Change Payment Account Manually in BillFin:

- Go to the Clients page

- Click on View Client Details in the pencil menu for the client

A slide out window will appear

- Click on the pencil next to the account you want to modify in the Accounts section

A new slide out will appear to edit the account details

- Scroll to the bottom and modify the selection in the Payment Information section

      *The same client's other accounts will appear as options in the dropdown box but "Other" which can also be used to setup debiting a fee from an account not on that client's invoice.

- Save

- Save for the Current Period